Sunday, June 6, 2010

Favourite Things: Polka Dots

I love polka dots. Basically if something has polka dots on it, it's a good bet that I'm going to love it. It might be entirely forgettable without polka dots, but with them it's suddenly the most exciting thing ever.

Me prancing (that's right, prancing) around Europe in Polka dots:

Personal photo

For me, polka dots just seem so sweet and elegant. They can be really mod looking as well, but I prefer them to look a bit more delicate. Anyway, in case there are a few more polka dot fans out there, here's a few images I love.

The always lovely Dita:



I also usually love pretty much anything Carla Bruni Sarkozy wears:


A vintage dress from Cabaret, an amazing Toronto store:


A few dresses I found in Paris and think that I should own, even of they don't look all that different from ones I already own:



It usually rains a lot in Toronto in the summer and I may just need to replace the semi-broken umbrella I've been using for the past year:


I think I need to host a tea party just so I can use these as invites:


This one is a good example of how polka dots can transform something sort of forgettable into something adorable. I can't say I normally look at any ironing boards and think, "Oh how cute!":


I love this bathing suit. It's perfectly vinatgey (yes it's a word):


Okay so the mannequin this is on is a bit creepy, but the mask is pretty great:


Diaper case I will need to own when I'm a yummy mummy:


Some bridal polka dots. I love how subtle these are:


Despite the fact that I'm clearly a bit obsessed with polka dots I don't find them especially Christmasy, so I doubt I'll be using them very much in our wedding. However, they will be present in a very subtle way. Just before I decided on my wedding dress I noticed that the under layer is actually a very subtle polka dot fabric, similar to the wedding dress I posted above. That's when I knew it was undoubtedly the dress for me.

Are there any other polka dot fans out there?

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