*Below I've interspersed parts of our ceremony with some commentary.

Words of Welcome
Welcome. Please be seated. My name is John Horvath and I have the privilege of performing this marriage ceremony today.
On behalf of Kristin and Wojtek welcome and thank you for being here. They are delighted that you are here today to share in their joy during this wonderful moment in their lives. It is a privilege to share such a happy occasion. We are here, not only to witness the vows and promises Kristin and Wojtek are about to exchange, but also to wish them both the very best life has to offer, in your future together as husband and wife.
By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other and you support their decision to commit themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.
Address to the Assembly
The words that will be spoken here today are significant, though they are not what join these two. Nor is it this ceremony. For we are not here to mark the start of a relationship but to recognise a bond that already exists.
(This was really important for me to include because I don't like the idea that a relationship starts completely new from marriage. We had been partners for a long time prior to this day and I wanted to acknowledge that).
Kristin and Wojtek would like to take a minute to acknowledge their parents and recognize how lucky they are to have such incredible people in their lives. Emilia and Stan, and Mary and Jim, thank you for being such extraordinary, supportive, and generous parents. Your children feel lucky to have you.
I really wanted to take a moment to acknowledge my parents and all that they had done for us. This moment also fit in well with my goal of trying to make other people feel special at our wedding.
This is me eying my parents:

My aunt/pianist and Mr. Knitting's parents:
Guest Photo
At some point in the ceremony John made a small mistake, and being a bit of a control freak I instantly corrected him. He had a good sense of humour about it and make a joke which caused the whole room to crack up including myself and my bridesmaids.

Apparently, the groomspeople were not so amused:

This picture cracks me up a lot. Mr. Knitting's groomspeople aren't the most smiley people and apparently our photographer had a really difficult time trying to get ceremony photos of them where they don't look really cranky!
Reading # 1: Miss Manners
As many of you know, Kristin is a big fan of etiquette books and loves reading them. It should come as no surprise that Kristin and Wojtek have chosen a excerpt from a Miss Manners book for their first reading. I’d like to invite Kristin’s uncle and godfather, Roman, to do this reading.
While exclusionary interest in one other human being, which is what we call courtship, is all very exciting in the stages of discovery, there is not enough substance in it for a lifetime, no matter how fascinating the people or passionate the romance. The world, on the other hand, is chock full of interesting and curious things. The point of the courtship — marriage — is to secure someone with whom you wish to go hand in hand through this source of entertainment, each making discoveries, and then sharing some and merely reporting others. Anyone who tries to compete with the entire world, demanding to be someone's sole source of interest and attention, is asking to be classified as a bore. "Why don't you ever want to talk to me?" will probably never start a satisfactory marital conversation. "Guess what?" will probably never fail."

Guest Photo
I've written about this reading before, but I really do love it. I love that it's from an etiquette book and I really love the message of it. It's so important to pursue your passions and interests in order to be a good partner and I'm glad that's something we highlighted at our wedding.

The Expression of Intent and Consent
Now just a few questions. First for you Wojtek. You have chosen Kristin to be your wife. Will you love and respect her? Will you be honest with her always? Will you continue to do the dishes, make morning smoothies, and be a minimum of 5 minutes early for everything? Will you stand by her through the challenges you may face? (Answer: 'I will')

Kristin, you have chosen Wojtek to be your husband. Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you continue to make his life fun and exciting and attempt to be less lazy at doing chores around the house? Will you stand by him through the challenges you may face? (Answer: 'I will')

The guests also all cracked up at the fun and exciting part because it sounds a bit self centred. In my defense, while I dealt with most of the ceremony myself, we definitely wrote that part together. Plus, it's true. I do make his life fun and exciting!
The Affirmation of Family and Friends
Now, in the spirit of joy and affirmation, I want to ask your families and friends a question:
Do you, the families and friends of Wojtek and Kristin, give them your blessing and support, wishing them a wonderful life together full of laughter, fun, and new experiences? (All answer: 'We do')
And with that we were half married!
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by the amazing Josh Levinson
Missed a Knitting Recap?:
First we yoga-ed
I spent the morning being anti-social
Mama Knitting figured out how to dress herself and I turned into a bride
We had our first look and snuggled in the snow
We played in the snow with our friends and then spent an hour doing some unexpected set up
Our guests arrived and we looked at some ceremony details
We walked down the aisle
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