I have to say, I really do not care what guests wear to my wedding. From my understanding, brides are often concerned about what others are wearing because they don't want attention to be drawn away from them or, in the case of the white dress, they don't want others to be mistaken for the bride. Here's the thing, I'm the bride, almost everyone at our wedding is very familiar with what I look like, and if not, they'll probably clue in during my walk down the aisle. I no matter what it's pretty take the attention away from a bride.
I also don't particularly mind if people's attention is drawn away from me every so often. Actually that sounds lovely. Basically unless everyone sits there loudly whispering about what someone else is wearing during the ceremony, I'm good. White dress, no problem. Cleavage, whatever. Belly-baring (hilarious!), but meh. Frankly, if someone arrived in a full on wedding dress, I think I'd find it very funny that that person was so clueless and self absorbed (and then I'd make fun of them later with all of you!).
Cleavage and belly-baring awesomeness:

When I began writing this post I thought there wasn't really anything one could wear to my wedding that I'd be even slightly offended by, but it turns out that's not true. Show up to my wedding in a sweatshirt and while it certainly won't ruin my night, I will be a bit offended that you felt this was an occasion to wear a sweatshirt.
Not appropriate wedding attire:

All that being said, I personally would never wear white to someone's wedding because I know this is a very sensitive issue for others. I don't ever wear super revealing clothes, so that's not an issue. However, for me, at my wedding, I just don't care what people wear (unless it's a sweat shirt). Then I do care.
Where do you stand on this issue?
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