I am really really proud of my dress and the fact that I found it. That's perhaps a weird way to feel about your dress, but there you go. I had initially been a bit worried about dress shopping because it was really necessary for me to find an inexpensive dress. This was partly due to finances and partly due to the fact that for me, personally, I couldn't justify spending a major amount on a dress.
I've written about my accidental dress finding experience before, but to recap, I found my ideal dress by accident a full two months before I even planned to start looking. Why was it ideal?
It had cap sleeves and was lacey:

It had a slim silhouette:


It had an awesome back:

I also loved that it was vintage. I love vintage clothing and since so much of our wedding was vintage it was really great to also have a vintage dress.
All that and it was super cheap. I paid $300 for it and my alterations came to a grand total of $67 because my super awesome former boss took me to her neighbourhood dry cleaners to have it altered. I feel so lucky to have found basically my dream dress for such an inexpensive price. I say this not to be super obnoxious, but just to illustrate to other brides that it is possible.
Interestingly, I didn't even realize one of my favourite things about my dress until after the wedding. I knew my dress had a polka dot lining, but what I didn't realize is that in certain lighting you can actually see the polka dots.
For example:
I was so excited when I found this out the next day and made me love my dress even more.
My dilemma now is what to do with my dress. I sort of always thought I'd be fine with passing it on to someone else, but now that the wedding is over I actually feel a bit attached to the dress and the idea of saving it. I'll have to think it over...
What are you doing with your dress after the wedding?
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