Here are a few of my favourite finds (I apologize for my lack of photography skills):
A gorgeous little clutch I picked up for $5.
Another lovely clutch. This one was a bit expensive at $10.
I am completely in love with silhouettes and really want to figure out a way to work them into our wedding. I'm also trying to figure out where to put them in our apartment...I think Mr. Knitting is a bit annoyed that they appear to be living on our living room floor! I think I paid $12 for the both of these.
Broaches! I love bows (as long as they don't look too too precious!) and cameos. Each was less than $10.
Candle sticks for $5.
I didn't actually realize that I seem to lean towards items that are black, white, or silver until I saw all of these items together! Maybe I should think about that for a colour scheme...
Anyway, the market is really my go to place in Toronto for everything from jewelry and accessories to home decor and many many gifts. It's also just a really fun way to spend the morning (because, yes I am an old lady inside!).
What's your go to place in your city? Is it going to be incorporated in your wedding somehow?
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