Why December? The month of December is probably my favourite time of year. I get this really cozy feeling and an intense desire to bake lots of treats for the whole month. Okay, to be honest I pretty much always want to bake lots of treats (see photo of my devilish looking baby sister and yummy peanut butter chunk cookies), but this is especially true during December. Anyway, since it’s my favourite time of year it seemed like an excellent time to get married. To me (and probably many people) it’s also very much a time of year that’s about family and what is more about family than a wedding?

I ran my plan by Mr. Knitting and being the easy going agreeable guy that he is, he agreed that that would be a lovely time to get married. We went out to buy the ring I’ve had picked out for months. That’s right, I already had a ring picked out months ahead of time. That’s actually one of the reasons that I figured we needed to get on with getting married. If you already live together (we do), know you intend to spend your life together (we did), and even have a ring picked out (check), then perhaps it’s time to get on with the wedding. I should also note that the fact that my father made it clear he and my mother would be able to help with the finances definitely was a factor as well.
After buying my ring we celebrated with take out from our favourite Indian food place and that’s about it! So that’s my ever so fascinating engagement story. No it’s not great story telling, but it is very us. Simple, straightforward, lacking in pretense, and planned pretty much entirely by me! However, I do sometimes feel a bit of pressure to explain to people that just because I don’t have a super traditionally romantic proposal doesn’t mean that I don’t have a loving and wonderful relationship. Even though I know logically that this proposal was absolutely what I wanted, it can be hard to explain to others sometimes. Anyway, I’ve decided not to be insecure or feel like I have to explain anything. I’m just going to be proud, happy, and excited!
Anyone else proud of their pretty pragmatic proposal story?
*I should note that I have nothing against more traditionally romantic proposals and think they can very lovely, they just aren’t for us.
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