The gorgeous bride and groom:

My post title isn't entirely truthful, as my older sister isn't exactly the bridal opposite of me. I think in the end we both wanted intimate little weddings, but while I am super interested in every little detail (font size, table numbers, including as many personal details as possible..etc), she didn't really care about any of that. She just wanted to get married and have a good time doing it.
Instead of doing a whole play by play of the entire day, I've decided to show you what kinds of things she did and did not really care about.
Things my sister didn't care about and didn't spend any time or energy stressing over:

She let her MIL pick the flowers out and had no idea what they would look like until about an hour before the ceremony.
Bridesmaids Dresses

We each picked out our own. My sister could have cared less what we wore. You'll notice I clearly wanted to be identified as the MOH.


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I don't think my sister would have even noticed if there hadn't been a centrepiece. Her SIL came up with these.
Things she cared a lot about:
The ceremony

They wrote the ceremony themselves and it was fantastic. So incredibly personal and touching, but also really funny. One of the highlights was the rhyming poem my older sister wrote about their relationship and was read by my younger sister. I believe it began, "She met him at a party/ He did not want to dance/ He asked her for her number/ and soon began their romance."
Look how much fun our parents were having during the ceremony:

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Looking her best

Like most (all?) of us, she wanted to look and feel her best. On an unrelated note, my sister is one of those people who look good even in a wetsuit. It turns out training for triathlons keeps you in pretty good wedding shape.
Throwing a great party
Ultimately, my sister and her husband really cared about showing everyone a great time. I think you'll agree that they did...



Although in true opposite style, Mr. Knitting and I got tired early. We're not exactly the party animals of the family...

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I know a lot of us on the 'bee definitely care a lot about details and I know for myself that I can occassionally get caught up thinking that no one will enjoy the wedding if every single little detail isn't perfect, but I think my sister is a great example about how in the end, none of that really matters. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited about all my details and am always excited to hear/see what other couples have come up with, but in the end even if not a single detail of mine works out I know I can still have an incredibly fun filled wedding that will be very personal and really enjoyed by all our guests, just like my detail free sister did!
Do you have a bridal opposite in your family?
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