Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've Scheduled Relaxation for 4pm

I realized the other day that my wedding is about 3 months away. I then also realized that in the next 3 months I will be working my full time job, applying for grad school, planning a wedding, trying to find a new job (Did I mention my contract ends a week before my wedding? No? Well now you know), volunteering at two museums, writing for WeddingBee (which I love, but it does take time), and spending time with my friends and family. Sadly, spending time with friends and family is often the first thing to get cut. Unsurprisingly, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and tired. Even little things like filling out forms so I can be put on Mr. Knitting's health insurance seem really difficult. Clearly I need to relax. Here's a few of my favourite ways.

Taking a hot bath and reading a book


I do this pretty much every night and I love it. One of my requirements when Mr. Knitting and I moved in together was that I really wanted a deep bathtub with a "slanty back." Yes, that is a direct quote.


This one is pretty straight forward. My exercise routine consists of either doing yoga or going to the gym in our building before work and using the bike or elliptical, doing a few stretches, and doing weights for about 5 minutes before I have to get ready for work. The exercise really calms me down and going in the morning helps to make me feel pretty productive.

Getting Things Done

I know for some people meditation and deep breathing work really well. Not for me.


If I'm stressed and I try to clear my mind it doesn't work. I just spend the whole time thinking about all the things that need to be done. Instead, I find just jumping in and tackling a whole bunch of things on my to do list helps make me feel so much more productive and in control.

Watching Toronto Cop Shows and Playing Spider Solitaire


Watching Rookie Blue and Flashpoint while playing Spider Solitaire is definitely one of my favourite ways to wind down after a long day. I particularly love how these shows are filmed and set in Toronto, because I get to spend most of every episode identifying where each scene was filmed.

Anyone else feeling a bit overwhelmed? What's your favourite way to relax?

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