I, on the other hand, became very fixated on the idea of saying the wedding vows of the United Church because my paternal grandparents were married in a United Church and they had an incredible, happy, and long lasting marriage. I thought it would be so sweet to say the same vows they did over 60 years ago. However, Mr. K wasn't fan because he thought the language was too old fashioned, so we moved on.
A pretty remarkable couple and two fantastic role models:
At this point I figured we'd just wait until we met with our officiant to see what he might recommend. However, then I came across Mrs. Ribbons' post about their wedding and loved their vows.
“I, Ribbons, take you, Ribs, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”
I had subconsciously written these vows off years ago because they're so basic and traditional. While I never grew up dreaming about my wedding (that's a pretty recent obsession!), I think younger me just thought nobody actually used these vows because they were "boring". However, as soon as I read her post I knew that these simple and traditional vows would be perfect for us. Clearly 20 year old me was a moron!
I then copied and pasted the vows in an email to Mr. K and asked if he like them. Here is the entirety of his reply:
Later at home he confirmed he was happy with these, but was confused about why we would be calling each other Ribs and Ribbons. Oh boys/people not obsessed with WB!
How did you decide on your wedding vows?
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