Sad Face:
The new plan is my sister will just make and decorate the cupcakes herself and our (apparently drunk and slobby) guests will just have to manage to not toss them around the room. I'm still a bit sad at not being able to go the DIY cupcake bar route, but either way I'll get to eat yummy cupcakes, so it's all good. I suspect that DIY cupcakes will show up at a lot of my future parties.
Anyway, since there will still be cupcakes, we still need to do cupcake trials. Yay! More sugar for me. For our most recent cupcake trial my little sister made a batch of maple cupcakes with sugared walnuts. They were highly delicious and will definitely be included in the dessert table.
Here's a bit of food porn for you. We experimented with two different maple icing recipes and my sister, my mama, Mr. K, and myself all agreed that the whiter icing is the one we will be going with:
Mr. Knitting enjoying one of the tasty treats (If you speak Polish please ignore his t-shirt):
I have to say letting go of the DIY cupcake bar was pretty easy for me to do. Since I know my guests will be served these incredible cupcakes it's hard to be too upset about the fact that they won't get to assemble the cupcakes themselves. I also suspect my little sister is thrilled with this turn of events because it means she get complete creative control over what the cupcakes will look like. I'm not the only perfectionist in the family...
Have you gotten attached to an idea for your wedding before checking if it was doable?
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