What not to do:

Here's a few of our options:
The restrained yet lovely Mr. and Mrs. Taco:

I saw this in Mrs. Taco's post thought this looked gorgeous. Restrained yet very elegant and sweet.
I love this one:
It's so sweet and this particular picture reminds me 1940s war time romance. The problem is that Mr. Knitting is actually quite a bit taller than me so I'm not sure this would work for us. Also, if I put my hands anywhere near his face he's going to assume I'm going for the "Susan Lucci on Friends Kiss" and he'd probably do the same and then our kiss would just be silly (but hilarious!).
This is pretty much our normal kissing position so I suspect we'll end up with something like this:

Something we will not be doing anything like is this:

I love these kinds of kisses, but there's no way we could pull this off without looking ridiculous and/or me falling. I have a tendency to throw myself into a back bend and then be shocked when Mr. Knitting hasn't realized that he's supposed to be holding me up. Oops...Not so much what I have in mind.
All that being said, I don't think we'll actually plan out our first kiss. That seems like one moment that does not need to be scripted. It's just nice to have thought about it a bit so we don't freeze and do nothing or do something really awkward.
One thing we have decided on is that we don't want our officiant to tell Mr. Knitting he can kiss his bride. I don't have a huge issue with this more traditional wording, but it just doesn't feel like us. I'm the in charge go getter in our relationship, so for Mr. K to be told to kiss me just seemed odd. Instead our officiant will be saying "...I pronounce you husband and wife and invite you to kiss one another."
What was your first kiss like? Did you go with the more traditional wording or did you try something new?
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