Were were greeted by these lovely garlands:

The always lovely club manager Leanne greeted us and sat us at a table that was located in a pretty similar location to where we'll be sitting for the wedding, so we could get a feel for what it will be like.
You'll notice I indulged my love of headbands and matched my headband to the Wedgwood walls:

We were then served some delicious chardonnay which Mr. K really loved:

You'll notice I used my excellent photography skills to match Mr. Knitting to the walls.
After that it was time to hit the buffet. Since we're serving turkey it made the most sense for Mr. Knitting and I to come to the holiday buffet at the club. This means we got to try all kinds of delicious foods.
Here's what Mr. K's plate looked like:

Obviously, this is not how the club plates dinner. This is how a hungry 24 year old tries to cram as much food as possible onto a plate. I tried to get a review of the food from him, but he kept saying it was "insipid." Not because it was bad, this was just his "hilarious" way of pretending to be a food critic. I gave up trying to get a real answer out of him after a while. He did go for seconds and said that it was the best stuffing he's ever had, so I think our guests can look forward to a pretty good meal.
Since I eat a mostly plant based diet with exceptions for salmon and dairy products on very rare social occasions (haha what a mouthful), I was not going to try the turkey, but instead had a sampling of the vegetarian and salmon options.
Here's a look at my plate:

We won't actually be serving any of the items that I ate at our wedding, but if what I had is any indication of the quality of the kitchen then I'm happy. Nothing insipid about my food! It was definitely a delicious lunch.
Lucky for us we got dessert too. Mr. K got some trifle which he calls splarf for some reason. Unfortunately we only remembered to take a picture once he was half finished:

I guess trifle does look a bit splarfy...I was assured it was highly delicious.
I couldn't decide on one thing and went with a little cake, half a mincemeat tart (which I was hoping was a butter tart), and a little nibble of blue and brie cheese:

Definitely all very delicious. We then decided to take a few photos around the club for fun. I'm a little obsessed with our venue. This isn't the first time I've taken a bunch of random photos of the club. It may or may not be the second time either...
Here's the view we had of the balcony that I'll be tossing my bouquet off of:

A sweet little tree by the buffet:

Look, it's our future dessert table:

Mr. Knitting decided to model how cozy the club will be (I think this is his attempt to look scholarly):

All in all, it was a really great tasting. The food was great and the staff and service were impeccable. For the servers at the Faculty Club this is their full-time well-paid job so they take their jobs really seriously, which means they are fantastic at what they do and could not be more nice and helpful. It was also really nice to spend some time in the club and the tiniest bit surreal to realize that the next time I'll be eating a meal in that dining room, I'll be sitting next to my husband.
I can't wait.
What was your tasting like?
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