That's right, BLARG! I can't stand when people clink their glass with a knife to make the couple kiss at a wedding. I think it's cute once, and then it becomes this awful irritating noise that goes on forever. This happened at my friend's wedding and it was this huge unpleasant distraction throughout the dinner. NOT COOL.

As a result, I've been trying to come up with alternatives to the glasses clinking. My original thought was to just get my MC to tell the crowd that we're not doing that and all glasses clinking will be ignored, but in a nicer way than I just wrote because that makes us sound mean and cranky. We might still go with this, but I figured it was a good idea to think about some other options that might work for us.
My cousin and his now wife did this at their wedding and it worked out wonderfully. Seeing this work so well at their wedding is the main reason I'm even considering an alternative. If someone wanted them to kiss the person had to go up and Hula Hoop. Everyone seemed really into it and it provided some good entertainment and photo ops.
This is my dad and his siblings Hula-Hooping. Yes, they're very WASPy and bad at it, but it was funny and my grandmother (who wasn't at the wedding) loved it.
Some Other Type of Physical Challenge
I read somewhere that someone from a family of golfers decided that if you wanted them to kiss you had to sink a putt. Neither of us are from a golfing family, but I like the idea of someone having to do a physical challenge. Do you think the Faculty Club would let me set up a basketball net in the dining room?

Donation to a Charity
OR or to the Knittings' grad school fund...okay probably not...I like this idea (the charity one, not the selfish one!). It's a bit more dignified and for a good cause. That being said, I'm not really comfortable asking a guest to pull out their wallet at our wedding. I know that's common in lots of cultures, but I would feel weird about it.
I LOVE trivia. I think Trivial Pursuit is the best game ever and Mr. Knitting and I actually got to know each other when we were both on the Reach Team (trivia) in high school. Huge nerd alert. As a result, the idea of making people answer Trivial Pursuit questions or entertaining Knitting specific trivia questions could work.
A Combination of All of the Above
We could come up with a number of challenges beforehand and write them on a piece of paper and place it in a bowl. If someone wants us to kiss they have to pull out a challenge. The challenges could be trivia questions (Knitting specific or not) or random tasks.
Currently I'd say I'm torn between doing nothing and the combination option. I'm just not sure what would work better for our guests. The tasks could be a big flop, or they could be fun. I suppose we could have the tasks ready to go, but only mention them if people don't stop the clinking or if we get a good vibe from the group.
What's your favourite alternative to glasses clinking?
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