I transferred high schools in the middle of grade eleven and I went from a school of 150 people to a school with something like 1,500 people. One day I was getting something out at my locker and I heard my friend Julie say, "Mr. Knitting, stop staring at Miss Knitting's butt." I turned around to see my friend snickering hysterically next to this tall, somewhat awkward and embarrassed looking guy who clearly was not staring at my butt. We were introduced, but since I was being introduced to something like 50 new people a day (okay I'm exaggerating slightly) I promptly forgot about him. I may have wrote him off as Julie's vague friend.
Lucky for me that wasn't the end of our story. A year later Mr. Knitting and I became friends and then we began dating. At some point I made some comment about us meeting in the library (because that's what I remembered) and he responded:
"Um, no, that's not where we met."
"What? Yes, it is."
"No, we met in the hall. Remember? I was with Julie. She made some comment about your butt...?"
At this point I started dying with laughter. I couldn't believe I was dating the pretend butt ogler. My mom and sisters and I had laughed over this story a lot (since I had come from a practically all girls school where this kind of thing didn't happen) and I couldn't believe that I had no idea that it was him.
So there you have it: my first impression of Mr. Knitting was so vague that I pretty much forgot about him and yet 7 years later he's had the most profound effect on my life and is definitely my favourite and most important person (sorry parents and sisters!).
What was your first impression of your SO?
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