or like this:

You must go away now please. DO NOT READ THIS POST!!!! That especially means you sisters. I know you have problems.
Okay, now that they're gone I can tell you about my gifts for the bridal party. Since we're having a cozy Christmas wedding I wanted to continue that theme in my gift to my favourite ladies. I considered a few options, but ultimately decided to give them gifts that would allow them to recreate this experience:
Oh hello, what a completely unstaged photo-op:
Essentially, I wanted to give them a cozy night in. I began by buying them flannel pajamas during the post-Christmas sales last year. Yay for long engagements and thinking ahead! I love flannel pajamas and don't think it's possible to own too many pairs.
Here's a few examples of the ones I bought:
No cozy night in is complete without a yummy hot drink so I then went to Second Cup and bought each of them an exciting type of hot chocolate. For my vegan baby sis I picked out some apple cider.
If you've never had white hot chocolate before I highly recommend it:
Then to top it off, I added gift cards to Chapters/Indigo (think Barnes and Noble, American readers) so they can pick out a book for their cozy evening:
I still need to figure out something extra for my MOH, but other than that I'm all done. These gifts need to be wrapped nicely, but I think I'm going to keep it simple and wrap them in Christmas paper. We bought quite a bit last year on sale, so it will be good to make use of it. By that I mean that Mr. Knitting will wrap the gifts nicely as I could probably win an award for worst wrapper ever. Seriously, it's bad.
What are you gifting your bridal party? Did you have a theme?
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