However, the Bata Shoe Museum has just opened up a new exhibit on socks and they have some incredible examples of completely gorgeous stockings. Some are these incredibly elaboratly embroidered creations. For example:


However, the ones that really caught my eye were the stockings with seams. I think they're so sexy and glamourous (something I would never say about regular old hose!), especially if they require garters to stay up. I really think I should own a pair.
Here's a tiny bit of eye candy (It turns out it's pretty hard to find good pictures of women wearing clothing AND stockings. You'll have to use your imagination!):


In my opinion Dita von Teese is the queen of stockings with seams. She wears them all the time and they always look completely amazing. For example:

I'm sorry it's not a better picture. It turns out it's hard to find an image of Dita in stockings that isn't mildly pornographic. While shots of her just in her stockings are still lovely, I'm more interested in the way the stockings look with clothing, rather than without!
Here's another Dita picture just for fun. I tend to love pretty much anything she wears (off stage!).

While I was kind of annoyed at how difficult it was to find a picture of someone wearing stocking with back seams AND clothing you can leave your house in, it is fun to consider the fact that while stockings can be so elegant and lady-like, they're also incredibly sexy. I think I'll need to give these a try...
What do you wear to feel sexy?
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