Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let Them Eat (vegan) Cake

I still haven't made a decision about which cake to choose, and frankly I'm probably not really going to actively worry about that for a while. However, I have figured out a new way to include even more dessert! I have a lot of vegans in my circle of family and friends. As I have mentioned (more than once) I love to bake. These two facts have led me to the decision that instead of buying a separate vegan dessert I will be making one myself for the vegans at the wedding. I’m really excited about this.

I know a lot of people think that vegan desserts are completely dry and tasteless and completely unappetizing. NOT TRUE. Check these babies out:

Slightly gloopy looking, but very delicious carrot cake:

My baby sister's insanely yummy cookies and cream cupcakes:

chocolate chip cookies:

Yummy right? Anyway, I’m not sure what type of vegan dessert I’ll make, but these are my two favourite vegan dessert books:

The 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes by Kris Holechek
I absolutely love this book. Everything I’ve made from it has been really delicious, but I think the apple and carrot cakes are my favourites at the moment.


Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar by Chandra Isa Moscovitz and Terry Hope Romero
Amazing book. It has everything from classic oatmeal raisin cookies to incredibly decadent caramel pecans bars to Oreos. So yummy.


I haven’t made any decisions yet and, as I mentioned, I probably won't for a while as I think most people don't stress too much about their cake 8 months before hand. I'm really excited about this plan and I love that I'll be able to provide fantastic food for my vegan family and friends. How have to accommodated your friends' and family's dietary needs at your wedding? Does anyone have a favourite vegan baking recipe they can recommend?

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