Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finding My Dress

Despite the fact that by the end of November I had a pretty good idea of what I was looking for in a wedding dress, I didn't actually plan to go shop for one until March. I was really excited to plan lovely adventures with my bridesmaids involving me trying on lots of amazing dresses followed by brunch.

I didn't get any of that.

Nope, I found my dress by accident when I wasn't even looking for it. I was shopping with one of my bridesmaids in early January, a full 11 and a half months before my wedding. We were poking around Second Time Around, a consignment store in Yorkville when I found a dress that looked almost exactly like what I was looking for.

I tried it on and it was lovely. I'm not actually going to describe it or show pictures before the wedding as I want to preserve the "drama of the bridal arrival," as my mom would put it, but suffice it to say that it fufilled each and every one of my criteria. The one part I can talk about though was the price. This dress cost $300 (Canadian) tax included. That's right it cost less than half of what I was expecting to pay. Amazing.

While I loved the dress I was pretty hesitant about buying it. I've been known to get buyers remorse and I really couldn't afford to have buyers remorse with my dress. I also really did want to experience the whole ritual of buying a wedding dress, so I had to consider the fact that I'd be missing out on that.

In the end though, it was a really easy decision and I left there with the grogeous dress. While I'm a bit sad to have missed out on all those dress shopping outings, I'm thrilled to have an inexpensive dress I love. I'm also thrilled with the fact that it's a second hand dress for environmental reasons. I wouldn't have had an issue with buying a new dress, but this is just the icing on the cake! Plus, how cool will it be to tell my grandkids that I bought a vintage wedding dress? Unless that's really uncool in 45 years...

Did anyone else find their dress unexpectedly? Did you miss not having a "traditional" dress shopping experience?

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